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Board AF is a Littlehampton based skateboarding company offering all things skating from 1:1 tuition, Evening group skate sessions,  Hosting Council led skatepark jams and working with schools and local community projects to offer after School skate clubs. We also operate out of our very own cafe aptly named  Board cAFe and serve what might possibly be the best coffee this side of the river Arun.


Board AF started out as community skatepark project where we would help people of any age, sex or ability progress with their skating in a setting where they could meet other like minded individuals who shared a passion for skateboarding. These Community Skate Sundays developed into us having Littlehamptons very own Skate Shop ( The Shack ) in coordination with local coffee / cafe company Edge by The Sea. For a Summer we were based only a few hundred metres from Littlehampton skatepark and so continued to grow both our community skate aspects and also expanded the range and quality of products we could offer all the local skateboarders through the shop. This summer saw us grow in more ways than we could have imagined with us hosting several skate jams at local skateparks and working with local businesses to hold pop up shop events and also helping several kids enter both regional and national competitions whether it be through filming entry videos or helping piece together lines for the competitions themselves. 


As the summer drew nearer its end we knew we had to move beyond what we had self proclaimed to be the smallest skate shop in the world and so we sought to find a better space for all of our services. When the option came up to move into a unit sizeable enough for a mini ramp to go in we knew we had to take it. 


What is amazing about what has come from Board AF is the real sense of community that it brings and from help sourcing t shirts to Bennett Autos providing us unit space, we have always had such backing from the people that have been involved in what we have been doing. 


Since Opening the unit doors on Halloween 2021 we have taken the place from being a unit with a hallway down to a mini ramp at the end ( with 2 foot of flat bottom may I add ) to being a fully functioning skate cafe. The journey has been in stages and was always a goal of ours as we knew the pun of Board cAFe was just too good to pass up, but now having recently added a fully suspended floor with a street section and having the whole park linked together we have truly landed. 


We look forward to seeing where we can go from here but right now we are loving being what we believe to be the best skate cafe there is. 




Board AF 

Board AF 2025 sced 1.JPG


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